June 5, 2008 -- The last place anyone might expect to see hard-to-find Jeremy Shockeyt this weekend is smack in the middle of Queens, but that's where the Giantst tight end is scheduled to be Saturday.

Shockey is supposed to be in Flushing Meadows Corona Park for a paid appearance for a sports-drink company. If he indeed shows, that's a promising sign as far as his expected attendance Wednesday for the start of the Giants' mandatory three-day mini-camp.
Shockey, as usual, has refrained from participating in the off-season workout program, preferring to stay in shape in Miami. This year, Shockey is rehabilitating following surgery to repair a broken leg and ligament damage in his ankle as a result of an injury suffered Dec. 16 against the Redskins.

The majority of players since March 31 also have been working out at Giants Stadium. Monday is the sixth and final voluntary Organized Team Activity practice and, if he's in town following his promotional appearance, perhaps Shockey will make it to the field for the first time prior to the mini-camp.

When the mini-camp ends June 13, players are off until they must report to Albany July 24 for training camp.
