Lamar Thomas Gets His Degree

The University of Miami's graduation ceremonies are today and a former classmate of mine is finally getting his degree. That's Lamar Thomas, the former UM receiver who spent time in the NFL with the Bucs and Dolphins. Lamar took a full load this semester to finish, 15 years removed from taking "HIS 383," the "History of Sport" class we both took back in 1993. While the class was supposed to be about the history of the olympics, there were so many "jocks" in the class that often Professor Handler would engage the student-athletes about current times. I remember one psychology themed discussion turning frank when some of the football players were asked what they would do to try to "psyche out" the opposition. The one about FSU's Casey Weldon sticks out in my mind like it was yesterday, but since I want to keep this blog PG-13 I can't mention it here.
