As we try to overcome our post-Celebrity Apprentice withdrawal, we’re starting to contemplate ninth-season candidates who would display Joan Rivers’ candid, feisty, tell-it-like-it-is style.

And we think we’ve found one:  Warren Sapp.

Sapp, who already became a reality star in 2007 on ABC’s Dancing With The Athletes And Washed-Up Celebrities, was visiting his old stomping grounds in Tampa on the first-day of “Organized Team Activities” (i.e., practice, as articulated by a government lawyer).  Coincidentally, tight end Kellen Winslow, who recently signed a new deal with more than $20 million in guaranteed money, wasn’t there.

“So when your team fires up OTA’s and you’re not here, I guess you’re being misunderstood again, right?” Sapp said, according to Rick Stroud of the St. Petersburg Times.  “Your past don’t equal your future, but it will damn sure give me some reflection of what you might do.  I’ll leave it at that.”

Quarterback Luke McCownmag-glass_10x10 was slightly more diplomatic.

“I don’t think so, not this early,” McCown said.  “Kellen is a professional, he’s a Pro Bowler, he knows how to get his body ready.  I talk with Kellen weekly and make sure we’re on the same page.”

Winslow has battled through a variety of injuries over the past several years.  A chronic knee problem first arose four years ago, after Winslow crashed a motorcycle while doing tricks in a Cleveland-area parking lot.
