Moss Is Fined $5,000 for Hit on Wilson

The NFL fined Washington WR Santana Moss $5,000, according to a source with knowledge of the situation, for a personal foul in a victory Sunday over the Seahawks in Seattle. His personal foul, for striking CB Josh Wilson on the head after a play, put the Redskins out of field goal range in the second quarter.

"I got a chance and got real aggressive with [Wilson] on a block," Moss said in a postgame interview with Comcast SportsNet. "And as I'm leaving to get away from him, he's grabbing me, grabbing me, and we're kind of exchanging words.

"And he wouldn't let go, so I did the best thing that I knew at that moment. It wasn't the best decision, but I did it, and I'm glad that we don't have to sit here and be saying that cost the game or something. I did it and I apologize about it and I moved on."
