Shockey and Awe

Last weekend New York Giants star Jeremy Shockey paid the highest cover charge in this town's history when he was fined $25,000 by the team for heading to Saratoga Springs and partying in high fashion with Lance Vetter and the rest of the players of the SaraBoca polo team at the Venue nightclub on Caroline Street.

It seems the star player was supposed to curtail his nights out while nursing his injuries (he did not travel with the team last weekend), but instead appeared in the Spa City with no less than six (count 'em, six!) A-1 quality girls (which is the per player limit for SaraBoca.)

Earlier in the day the tight end visited the flat track and hit a late race for a $12,000 payoff. When the receipts are tallied, I still bet he thinks it was worth every penny. Easy come, easy go. And from what I understand, more than one of those six girls fit that very description.
