Wilfork vows the Patriots will improve on defense

FOXBORO -- Looking at the stats, the New England defense certainly has some strengths, but it has some weaknesses as well, especially on third down and in the red zone.

Rest assured, the Patriots know they have work to do in those areas.

Vince Wilfork may be a defensive captain, but Pats players don't usually make declarations about areas that need repair without it coming from head coach Bill Belichick. So when Wilfork said this week that New England "will" get better on his side of the ball, it's likely Belichick has been on the unit more than usual.

"We need to get better on third down and red zone. We will improve," Wilfork said. "If we don't improve, we'll be looking at a long offseason."

New England ranks 31 out of 32 teams in red-zone defense, allowing opponents to score touchdowns on 22 of 33 opportunities inside the 20-yard line. On third down, the Patriots allow conversions 44 percent of the time, which is 27th in the league.

Wilfork promised that the defense will improve, and will do whatever is necessary to achieve that -- whether it be extra work in the film room, in meetings, or during walkthroughs and practices.

"I know we can get better. I know we will get better," he said.

The defense has been criticized for being so porous, particularly on third down, as teams have been able to convert third and longs with frequency in recent weeks: The Jets' converted a third and 15 in overtime, leading to their game-winning field goal. Last week in Miami the Dolphins converted three third-downs during one touchdown drive.

Wilfork doesn't mind the criticism.

"That's fine, I've heard worse," he said, smiling slightly. "We know what we're capable of doing as a defensive unit. I like people doubting us - when we [improve], those people will be eating their words."
