Clinton, Colt swimming with the sharks

It’s impossible to not pay attention any time Clinton Portis talks. He’s either in funny gear (though not in a few years) or ripping his coach or ... talking about swimming with sharks.

Yes, sharks. The kind that are more menacing than blitzing linebackers.

Portis is in Hawaii for Sunday’s Pro Bowl, but clearly has other things on his mind other than football. Redskins quarterback Colt Brennan also is in Hawaii, where he played college football.

“Me and Colt were talking about going swimming with some sharks,” Portis told reporters in Hawaii. “Get in a little tank and do a little shark adventure. I’m excited about it. Colt is setting it up. Hopefully we get to do it.”

Certainly the Redskins are hopeful that he gets that chance as well. Nothing like your star running back hanging around tiger sharks. We’re not sure if there’s a clause in his contract prohibiting this sort of, uh, adventure.

“I mean, I’ll be in the cage,” he said. “If a shark bites through a cage and they can’t pull me up in time, I deserve to void out my contract, bro.”

The next question has to be: is he serious? With Portis it’s always hard to tell.
