Buchanon Camp Quotes

(On working on his hands to catch balls better) “I would like to rate my hands to be one of the best hands on the team, I always tell all of the players that. When it comes to plays like that, I like to make those plays. Sometimes I can’t but I will keep working on it.”

(On his knowledge of the defensive system) “I am just playing, I am just playing football, and I think I am just playing. I don’t know how good of a camp I am really having, I know I am breaking some balls up, but I am just playing the game of football that I love. What [Defensive Coordinator] Monte Kiffin tells me, and what Raheem tells me, I am still learning, and Ronde is still teaching me, so I am learning from him. I am also learning from other players in certain things that they do. I am enjoying myself to the best of my ability, and I am playing the game of football, something I love. I am just going to keep on working hard, and keep pushing myself.”

(On what he looks to work on in the first preseason game) “Just work on timing and just trying to make the right fits and just trying to get back into the game process and everything. [I am] just taking it step-by-step. I am going to go out there and just build off of some of the things I did last year and then try to fix some things so I will be ready before the opening game at the New Orleans Saints.”

(On improving his tackling skills) “I would say a better environment. I never figured myself to have a problem with tackling anyway. I think the situation that I was put in, it was down, a lot of losing, a lot of stuff going on behind closed doors that people don’t really know about it, it was kind of depressing. At the same time, I just came here with the mindset of me just coming out here playing. It is just the environment, they respect you, they make you feel like a man, and at certain places they never really make you feel that way. They have a great deal of respect here and that is one thing that I love about playing in Tampa.”

(On the need to be able to tackle in the secondary) “Being here, we take pride [in our tackling]. When you watch Ronde and Derrick Brooks, and all these other veteran players, they lead by example. So if you don’t fall in line, you are going to be left behind. It is real simple to just fall in line. I like the way that they approach practice, the way they approach the game. They study and they are just on top of things. They are never perfect, you can never be perfect, but you can try to be perfect and that is Ronde’s and Derrick Brooks’ motto.”

(On where the defense can improve) “You can always improve every year, because we were number two so we want to be number one, so we can improve in that area. If we can improve on making more impact plays, to help our offense, to give our offense some more [yards] and put them in a better situation, because Tampa’s defense prides itself on getting turnovers and scoring with them, so that was always the whole implication once I first got here. So if we can emphasize more on that, and being more physical, stripping the balls, and trying to get the ball back and scoring with it, not just turning the ball over but scoring with it. That is more of the improvement that I see, that we can make a big improvement on. As far as that, just having fun and everybody just showing effort and hustling.”
