Five questions with...Ken Dorsey

BEREA, Ohio -- Recently we caught up with Cleveland Browns backup quarterback Ken Dorsey to discuss, among other things, life in Cleveland versus his native California, and what type of offense he would run as offensive coordinator.

1. Who knows Cleveland's offense better: assistant Rob Chudzinski or Ken Dorsey?
Ken Dorsey: (Laughs) It's easily Chud. He really does. He's on top of it and the wheels are always churning. Not only adding plays, but he's making things better. You can't get him out of his office. He's always studying, always doing something. It's his offense, you know what I mean? So he knows it.

2. How is a California kid like yourself adjusting to life in Cleveland?
KD: I love it. It's been great. I think the fun part for me is during the summertime where I live. You can't walk outside without talking to a neighbor for a half an hour. In California, I can go my whole life without ever talking to a next-door neighbor. It's just kind of the way that it is. And I love California, but it's kind of cool that you get that hometown feel out here.

3. It's no secret that coaching might be in your future. So what the type of offense would "Coordinator Dorsey" run?
KD: It would be a combination of this and a West Coast offense, probably. We have some West Coast philosophies here. But I think there are some other things in the West Coast offense that I like, and I'd probably incorporate. Just different route schemes and the way we read things. Stuff like that.

4. Would you be a "mad scientist" type, the way Chudzinski is at times in devising schemes and his play chart?
KD: Oh yeah, definitely I'd be that way. I think the majority of what I'd take would be from this offense. It's the ability to attack, attack, attack downfield, and then the balance in the running game. I don't think you can have success without those things, and I think that's what we do well here. And I'd definitely be the type of personality that's kind of working, working and working all the time.

5. You're the only quarterback in Cleveland that doesn't have a signature chant, such as "D.A.! D.A.!" or "Brady! Brady!" Do you feel left out?
KD: (Laughs) I'm not upset. Every once in a while I'll get a call out from the stands, and I definitely appreciate it. Usually, I'll sit there and chant with the fans as they're cheering (for Derek Anderson or Brady Quinn). I don't mind it as much. Being the third guy, you just don't get too many chants.
