Redskins Pleased with Portis' Offseason Work

The Washington Post reports Redskins RB Clinton Portis, who wondered aloud last season whether 2007 would be his final year in Washington -- with his ailments and big salary cap number conspiring against him, has been a mainstay of the offseason workout program since March, keeping to a proper diet and working out in the weight room like never before after spending much of the last two seasons trying to overcome injuries and a tendency to become winded. Some days he has trained with linemen, pushing a sled weighed down by teammates, and he is looking more chiseled. He had been at Redskins Park essentially every working day before last Thursday, when HC Jim Zorn excused him indefinitely. Zorn said he had no problems with Portis leaving to attend what Zorn said was "a celebration" and has praised Portis's work ethic.

