D.J. Gets the Last Word

DJ Williams has finally spoken. And what he said pretty much confirms much of what we’ve discussed here on BroncoTalk.

First, to clear up any misconceptions about his successful first year as MLB, DJ stated he was more than comfortable playing MIKE in 2007 and liked running the defense from the middle.

“I enjoyed playing [MIKE] last year, I had fun. I thought I caught on well at the end.”

He also expressed his surprise at being moved bumped from that position this off-season. However, he’s a true team player and has agreed to the move for the team.

“I understand why I had to move; it made the team better. Sometimes you do things that are best for the team and it’s not best for you,”

Does that sound like a guy that’s happy about being demoted? Yeah, I didn’t think so.

But DJ is a professional and a throw-back to the good ole days. He’s a TEAM player and had nothing bad to say about the organization or his Coach.

“I haven’t been happy about the movement, but I like the organization, I like the cit. I love how coach Shanahan takes care of his players, as far as physically, the off-season program. Everybody around the facility, I like everybody.”

The second media point, beaten to a bloody pulp the last few months, was the fact that DJ was best over on the Weak Side. DJ seems to back that up… with a disclaimer.

“I feel like if I played one position all four years, I could probably be the top guy at my position or one of the top guys at the weak-side position. Changing every year kind of stunts your growth. But at the same time, I’ve got knowledge.”

Overall, I think this just verifies what we’ve been saying for months now. DJ wasn’t done any favors by being pushed to WILL from his leadership role in the middle. He was surprised and unhappy about it, but because he’s a team player he is willing make the move to improve the team.

In a league of ME FIRST athletes, it’s refreshing to see a guy like DJ choosing the team over his own personal glory. Compare the way he has handled this off-season against Javon Walker.

DJ had his best year (statically) and the spotlight of running the defense. Javon Walker had a gimped-up uneventful year. However, when both of these two were told to move to second-fiddle positions for the betterment of the team, Javon walked. DJ, however, decided that the team was more important than one man.

DJ play WILL this year – and probably earn himself a trip to Hawaii in the processes. But we’ll always know that his greatest attribute is not strength, agility or speed… it’s his selfless devotion to our Denver Broncos team.
