Bears' Hester excited about upcoming commercial shoot

Plans for Devin Hester to participate in a promotional air stunt Thursday had been, well ... up in the air.

As part of his new partnership with Red Bull energy drink, the Bears wide receiver/kick returner originally agreed to ride in an "acrobatic" helicopter that can perform flips.

Then came word Monday morning that tornadoes along the East Coast would prevent the Red Bull stunt helicopter from leaving its base in Florida.

The decision was made Monday night to have Hester ride in an Albatross aircraft, which is capable of landing on lakes, rivers, oceans or runways. The Albatross will make its way from Tennessee to Palwaukee Airport for Thursday's event.

A Bears official said the team's contract concern regarding Hester's off-the-field activity with Red Bull depends on exactly what he winds up doing. A player could get hurt doing almost anything off the field and there is a non-football injury list for that.

It was also pointed out that players often discuss their proposed risky activities with team officials to reach accord.

Hester, who returned an NFL record 11 kicks for touchdowns in his first two seasons (none last year), admits Thursday's ride will demand more of a daredevil attitude.

"It will be an experience for me. It's a once-in-a-lifetime opportunity. I want to take advantage of it and experience it," he said. "Whenever you can get exposure, it only helps you."
