No setbacks for Saints MLB Vilma in rehab from knee surgery

The major piece of the Saints’ rebuilt defense, MLB Jonathan Vilma, told PFW this week that he’s in the final stage of his rehab from surgery last fall to repair a dead piece of bone that became dislodged in his knee, and that the knee held up well through the team’s OTAs and minicamp. “(The knee) feels like (it did) before surgery,” Vilma said. “The only difference is the muscles aren’t used to practicing. It’s been nine months since I’ve been on the field. I just have to get used to the plays again, running and cutting, the defensive and offensive system. I’m just getting acclimated to everything.” The Saints are hopeful that a healthy knee and a return to the 4-3 defensive scheme he’s more comfortable in will be a combination that leads to Vilma performing at the Pro Bowl level he displayed before the Jets hired head coach Eric Mangini and switched to a 3-4 defense in 2006. Vilma said he’s not quite 100 percent yet and he’s not sure when he will be, but thus far the soreness hasn’t been much of a problem for him. “I’m pretty much able to do everything,” he said. “I really need to be cognizant of when I’m trying to push it too hard and, fortunately, I haven’t been in that situation yet. I’m able to do everything. The question is: How much of everything should I be doing?”
