Portis Wants to Celebrate Super Bowl in Puerto Rico

During yesterday's post-game presser, just before he met Alex Ovechkin, Clinton Portis talked about going to Puerto Rico. Part of this made Mike Wise's column, but here's the full passage.

"You know, of course you always come in, 'I want to make the Pro Bowl, I want to be league MVP.,' " he said. "Everybody not going to do that, and having the opportunity to be at the pinnacle in Denver, being one of the best backs in the league, having the opportunity to have the money, having the opportunity to have the fame, I never had a ring. All that don't matter when you go into the offseason and you high-fiving somebody else, telling them congratulations when you really don't feel like it was deserved, you would have rather it been you in the situation.

"To see other guys celebrate, jump around and show off their rings? You know, after the Colts won I ended up in Puerto Rico with the whole Colts team. You know, they've got their rings and celebrating, and I felt like the odd man out. You know, I had to go sit over in the corner. I couldn't enjoy their conversation, so I left Puerto Rico, you know? I don't want to sit around and y'all talk about Super Bowls and here I am out of the playoffs. So I think just for us, to win as a team, I would love to have our whole team on the island, celebrating, talking about the Super Bowl."

Field trip!

Other Portis highlights:
On his ever-changing post-game sunglasses: "I guess you've got to stay up with the latest trends, my brother."

On his fumble: "Only thing I was thinking, if I get a corner, it's [shawls] to the wall....All I could think was 97 yards. I could see the end zone and I felt like I was gonna get there. I was running wild, trying to dig and the guy made a great play on the ball."

On his relief at the fumble not costing a win: "I don't know what's the best relief you done have in your life, but it was one of those."

On the focus this week: "When I say not being focused it's only when you turn the ball over and have penalties, not that players just don't know what's going on, when you turn the ball over on the field, you're not focusing on protecting the ball. When you have penalties, holding, offsides, you'ree not focusing on the snap count. I think this week guys really made an effort. I was the only one that turned the ball over, so I guess I wasn't focused this week."

On whether he should keep missing practice, for good luck: "Not practicing boring now, all of a sudden. Back in the day I probably would have told you yeah, but not to be a part of practice now it's kind of boring, sitting on the sideline, watching everybody else work. Guys come by, 'Aw man, you good, stay focused,' but you want to be out there....You want the opportunity to jump around and have fun in practice. Sitting over on the side by yourself trying to take a mental rep, you know, if you slip for one second all of the sudden I'm cracking jokes and playing with Devin or somebody like that, and I think that's taking the focus out of them, so I just sit off to the side."

On his recovery from the injury: "At the beginning of the week I really didn't think I'd play. Later in the week, after a couple massages, I felt great."
