Ray Lewis to take a stab at Ultimate Fighting?

February 29, 2008. First Floyd Mayweather signs with the WWE, now MediaTakeOut.com is hearing whispers that NFL's Ray Lewis is close to signing on to the Ultimate Fighting Championship mixed martial arts league.

According to a person who works at U.F.C., the Baltimore Ravens star linebacker and the league have been negotiating for months and are close to closing the deal. The insider told MediaTakeOut.com, "Ray Lewis was an All-American wrestler in high school, and he's just an all around bad a**. He'll fit in perfectly here."

And the insider claims that the deal wouldn't interfere with Ray's NFL career. He explained to MediaTakeOut.con, "We're not looking to sign him on full-time, just a match or two a year - and he can handpick the opponent ... He has such a big name that it will do wonders for the sport."
