Allen Bailey Hosts Football Camp at MCA
Apr/15/15 08:30 AM Filed in:
Allen BaileyIt's always nice to see local athletes not only make it to the professional level, but also come back home to give back....practically all of them do, but this morning it was Kansas City Chief and Macintosh County Academy grad Allen Bailey's turn to put on a show for area children. He did not disappoint.
The whistles blew, the kids ran and jumped, even some of the adults got in on the action. Good time had by all Saturday morning at the Second Annual Allen Bailey Football Camp at Macintosh County Academy. "I did it a couple of years ago." Bailey said. "But it was small. Little kids. Two players, me and another player. Now I got 12 of us. Good spread from everywhere around the league."
The goal here isn't so much to find and/or recruit college athletes, not at all. It's to show area children a good time. Have them rub shoulders with some current NFL players and walk away maybe wanting to getting a little more involved in athletics as they grow older. "My teammate from college came down to Miami. He had about 100 plus kids. I saw how it was with the staff. So I talked to the lady. Get it organized, a couple of months to get it right. Found sponsorship, we were good to go." Bailey said.
The support from the school and the community has been rock solid. The camp was sponsored in part by several local businesses The kids and the instructors all got t-shirts, and they all had a great time. "It's good for the community, period." Bailey said. "We've got people helping that aren't coaches that are volunteering. One great community giving back. Especially with these kids. Give the kids hope, we've got NFL stars out here. One day you could be like them too." he added.
And of course, like any other camp put on by a current NFL player, he usually invites some of his friends. Miami Dolphins starters Lamar Miller and Olivier Vernon were on hand. As was one of the shining young stars for the Jacksonville Jaguars, Wide Receiver Allen Hurns. "I played with him (Bailey) at the University of Miami. To just come out here and play with the kids. Give them a positive role model. I know as a child." Hurns said. "Older guys came back as far as Santana Moss and those guys like that. So I know how much of a positive impact it is on the people's life." he added.
Great turnout, great time, with hopes of doing it again next year.
