Brandon Meriweather Honors Michael Brown
Aug/19/14 11:58 PM Filed in:
Brandon MeriweatherThe Washington Redskins played against the Browns on Monday night football and that game saw the defensive backs for the team pay remembrance and support for Michael Brown and Ferguson, Missouri, as Brandon Meriweather and his group of players came out pregame through the tunnel with their hands up at FedEx Field.
According to USA Today and CBS, Meriweather organized the move and not the team (Dan Snyder and the Redskins have enough on their plate) and along with his defensive backs, the players raised their hands, which is a rallying move that has been going on in Ferguson after Brown allegedly had his hands up when he was murdered in the street by a white police officer.
Meriweather said after the game that it was the players' idea and that he wanted to show "support" about what is going on.
"We just want to show our supporters what's going on in St. Louis," Meriweather said. "We just wanted to show support."
"That could have been any one of us," said free safety Ryan Clark. "That could have been any one of our brothers, our cousins... When you get an opportunity to make a statement, and be more than a football player, it's good."
