WASHINGTON (CBSDC) – Richard Sherman was quick to trash-talk after the Seahawks dispensed of the Redskins 27-17 on Monday Night Football, declaring that Washington receiver Pierre Garcon, who pulled Sherman’s hair in the game, “doesn’t matter in this league.”
Offered the opportunity to clarify his words, Sherman said, “I mean exactly what I said.”
Garcon took, I guess between the two, what would be considered the high road in his response to Sherman.
But Garcon’s teammate, Santana Moss, who’s found comfort relaying messages to fellow players through the media — like when he called Sherman “mouthy” — in the weeks in which he’s been inactive (the entire season, to this point), took things one step further Tuesday afternoon.
Speaking in his weekly radio appearance on 106.7 The Fan’s “Chad Dukes vs. The World,” Moss opened, “What more can you say to this guy? I mean you never win with him. So at the end of the day, Pierre did the right thing. Just leave it alone.”
But Moss, after being pressed again and again, wouldn’t leave it alone.
“He’s one of those guys that when things are going well, he wants to speak,” he said. “Things ain’t going so well, do you hear anything from him?”
“No,” Dukes replied.
“So there you go. I mean he shows that,” Moss said. “If he knows a lot about himself, he would shut his mouth and just play the game. He’s pretty good. You give him that credit. But at the end of the day, if you don’t have nothing to say when it’s not going so well, then don’t say nothing when it’s going well. That’s how I look at it.”
Moss would go on to describe the form of trash-talk that Sherman prefers as distinctly different from the kind Moss and his Miami teammates utilized in college, with Sherman’s style not being one rooted in self-confidence. “We wasn’t pointing guys out and saying that ‘he suck.’ We was just confident about ourselves and went out there and said we’re gonna kick whoever, and we went out and did it.”
“[Sherman] don’t really trash talk,” Moss clarified. “He hides who he is by trying to be a coward and get you out your game. That’s the difference between trash-talking. He knows he can get beat. He knows that he’s not as good as he portrays himself to be. He knows he’s on one of the best defenses. That’s why he’s hidden over there and he’s doing the things he’s doing. At the end of the day, has he shown up? Yes, he did. But he’s not a guy that’s just gonna sit up there and line up and play the game and shut his mouth; he wants to get you out your game so he can have an edge. And that’s the difference between trash-talking and being confident and just knowing that you’re a bad mother, than just somebody who knows that he fears that guy that he lines up against.”
Asked to clarify what he meant, specifically, when he said Sherman’s hiding who he is, Moss returned, “The guy can play the game, we know that. But when you hear a guy come out his mouth like that all the time, you know it’s something deep down inside that he knows that he’s not sure about.”
“If you’re sure, you’re gonna shut your mouth,” he said. “If you sure, you’re gonna shut your mouth. You’re not gonna go out there with nothing to say. Cause I’m [gonna] line up every time just knowing that at the end of the day, I’m gonna have x amount of times to beat you. Hopefully I come out on top. If I don’t, you had the better day. But you have guys like him — and it’s not just him, there’s a lotta guys [who do it] — but he’s just one of those guys that you always hear him blabbing off about this particular individual that he faced that day, just because that guy may not have the numbers that night, so he feel like he did a good job.”
To Moss’s last point, Garcon caught 2 passes for 23 yards in Monday’s Redskins-Seahawks game. Sherman had one pass defensed.
