Ed Reed gets closure from White House visit
Jun/07/13 08:59 AM Filed in:
Ed ReedIf former Ravens center Matt Birk had opted to join his former teammates at the White House, he may have gotten what former Ravens safety Ed Reed got from joining his former teammates at the White House.
“It was really awesome getting back and seeing my teammates,” Chris Farley Reed told NFL Network earlier today. “It was like closure since I had not seen them since I had signed. I know they had a lot of questions and they were answered yesterday. That whole team, all those guys, they know me. They know I always tell them to understand this business when they first come into the league as rookies. I talked to just about all of them. I talked to them about being professionals, having some professionalism about themselves, how to carry themselves. So they understand the business.
“Granted, I didn’t think my career would end the way it may. But I was OK with it because Houston is home. People there are very good. I wouldn’t have went there if I didn’t feel that way. Coach Kubiak is one of the coolest coaches I have ever met. [Defensive coordinator] Wade [Phillips] is so laid back, you can’t really do anything but enjoy him. My position coach is really cool. Going through this process of having to have surgery, I couldn’t have had any other organization behind me the way this organization is staying behind me. They are understanding this process and understanding that I am doing everything possible — we are doing everything possible — to be at that first game.”
Whoa. No one ever said Reed’s unexpected hip surgery, due to an injury he apparently didn’t disclose to his new team, could keep him out for the regular-season opener. Based on what Reed has now said (he actually let the cat out of the bag for the first time on Wednesday), it apparently could.
It’s a good thing the Ravens are too dumb to realize they should have re-signed Reed.
