Jon Vilma posts phone number, email address of ESPN “character study” producer
Sep/30/12 10:11 PM Filed in:
Jonathan Vilma
With the lockout of the officials reaching a full boil, it's easy to forget the pot that's bubbling over on the back of the NFL's stove.
Bountygate lingers, and a source with knowledge of the situation tells PFT that ESPN plans to televise this weekend a "character study TV feature" on Saints linebacker Jonathan Vilma and former Saints defensive coordinator Gregg Williams.
ESPN has contacted players via letters signed by Barry Abrams, a Feature Producer. Abrams invites players to call and "chat . . . for 10 minutes or so" on the subject, explaining that the story will run on September 29 or 30.
It's unknown whether ESPN is hoping to demonstrate good character or bad character. Based on the recent Outside the Lines profile of coach Sean Payton, chances are that Abrams isn't hoping to dig up marshmallows with his shovel.
Thereafter, Vilma posted a copy of the letter on Twitter, along with Abrams' phone number and email address.
"Why is ESPN secretly conducting a character study on me?" Vilma asked on Twitter. "They really think I wouldn't find out?"
Vilma's Twitter timeline since last night has some funny stuff, including messages encouraging Saints fans to contact Abrams.
We wonder whether Vilma's reaction will now be used as part of the character study. In the end, that may be all the dirt they manage to dig up.
