Tyler Horn @Tyler63HornI understand the decision and not for one second blame the coaches or the Admin. I just think the process needs to be expedited by the NCAA.
Tyler Horn @Tyler63HornThe NCAA needs to change. Making 2 classes w/ an overwhelming majority of innocent players miss out on what they earned is just plain wrong
DeMarcus Van Dyke @D_VanDyke8Let the seniors enjoy what they worked for! We don't know what the NCAA is going to do so don't tell me that BS
DeMarcus Van Dyke @D_VanDyke8This is like we are punishing them kids for a bad report card their big brother receive
Ottis OJ Anderson @OJAnderson24Say what?! “@hurricanesports: Miami Hurricanes Make Unprecedented Decision to Forego Bowl Opportunity in 2012http://bit.ly/T6AnYR ”
Alonzo Highsmith @alonzohighsmithI am done with Miami!!! God bless them and wish them well? Will worry about Packers? Run right from the top!!!
Alonzo Highsmith @alonzohighsmithWill not commit anymore on the Miami situation anymore? What's done is done? Did Donna give up her pay check?
Sean Goldstein @Sgoldie_daU53As a UM fan and former player today couldn't be much worse. We self-impose another bowl ban and nd is ranked 1 #yikes
Sean Goldstein @Sgoldie_daU53I couldn't feel any worse for those guys on the team who have to deal with another bowl ban. Too much work gets put in for this to happen
Jacory Harris @12JHarris12Wow, those guys worked to hard to get where they are this year!
Kyle Bellamy @KyleBellamy_UI wonder if the NCAA will care that UM has self imposed bowl ban passed 2 years. They never really liked us in first place
BonecrusherDan Sileo @DanSileoShowWhat are the Canes waiting for...Ohio State REGRETS not giving last years bowl up..so does USC...HUGE mistake if we DONT
Brian Monroe @TrainerRoeSmh! #staystrong #ufamily
Brandon Harris @HarrisNOFLYZONE"I'm pissed why punish yourself twice the NCAA could care less about self imposed they still bringing the hammer,” he posted.
Olivier Vernon told the sun-sentinel: "Sometimes I guess you feel like the school doesn’t have your back," said Miami Dolphin Olivier Vernon, a member of the 2011 Hurricane team that also sat out a bowl ban. "You work so hard in the season to get to a bowl game, get to ACC championship, and to know that your school gave up a bowl bid kinda hurts a little bit but I’m not there so I ain’t worrying about it right now." Vernon also recalled how the 2011 team responded a week after being told a bowl was out.
"A lot of guys were down," he said. "It’s not a good feeling. But you’ve got to wish the best for things to come next year and the following (years)."