Braun ready for HR Derby

New York - I'm at the press conference at the Grand Hyatt in Manhattan for the All-Star Home Run Derby tonight at Yankee Stadium. Brewers leftfielder Ryan Braun will be one of the participants for the NL.

Many players, including New York's Alex Rodriguez, declined to participate because they think it messes up their swing. Braun said he wasn't concerned about that.

"For me, personally, that's not a concern," said Braun. "I don't feel like I have to change my swing drastically (to hit in the Derby). So, I'm not concerned about that."

In an usual twist, Braun will have his agent, Nez Balelo, pitching to him during the Derby competition. Balelo is a former minor league infielder and often throws to Braun during off-season workouts.

Part of the Derby is a fund-raiser for the Boys & Girls Clubs of America, and youngsters from area clubs are paired with the players. Should that player win the Derby, that youngster's club gets $50,000 for his or her chapter.

Braun was paired with Kareem Guthrie of the Newark chapter of the Boys & Girls Club.

Each contestant was asked which player he likes to watch take batting practice. Braun chose teammate Prince Fielder.

"Plus, there are some interesting sound bytes that go with it," said Braun.
