Jan/09/11 10:24 PM Filed in:
Lauryn WilliamsI can confidently say I have turned a corner in my faith in the last year or so. On my quest to become stronger in my faith, I've done a lot more seeking than I have in the past and I'm learning what a personal relationship with God looks like. At this point in the journey, two experiences stand out, Athlete In Aciton's Ultimate Training Camp and The Impact movement's Impact 2010 Conference in Atlanta, Georgia.
This summer I participated in AIA's Ultimate Training Camp, which I would recommend for every athlete. This camp was a great place for me to begin to understand that God has gifted athletes with talent's and abilities. I was able to apply biblical principles to the way I live and compete as a response for the gifts God has given me.
In December, I went to Impact 2010, a conference put on by The Impactmovement. Traditionally the conference has been held every other year for the African American college student and young professional, but now has a high school track. You can check out archived sessions of the conference at www.impact10.com.
For me Impact is a new school approach to GOD. The Hip-Hop, Neo Soul R&B vibe happens without selling out or misrepresenting or changing God's truths. The speakers spend time addressing the things that interest this age group such as dating, sexuality, finances, and why you shouldn't be afraid to share your faith. They also have seminars to help further one's spiritual growth in other aspects regardless of where one is their walk with GOD. I was unaware that there are so many resources such as books, music and apparel available.
I tried to attend as Lauryn Willliams a young adult seeking GOD but I was recognized as Lauryn Williams the Olympian quite a few times. One person came to me and a just wanted to tell me how encouraging it was to see an professional athlete with such a HUGE platform being open and seeking the LORD. I never thought of myself as having a huge platform or paid attention to the importance my walk has on others.
The final day of the Impact Conference was a day of outreach where we were to go out and tell others about GOD. I was sick to my stomach at the thought of it. I don't ever want to become the people who turned me off from GOD at a young age because they were forcing it on me. If your willing to listen I can tell you what my faith in the Lord has done for me but I don't want to tell people who are doing something different that they are going to hell!!!
Well my experience that day wasn't like that at all. My group of 3 was given the names and address of four homes where we visited and shared box of food with each. My stomach was not so sick when I saw that sharing my faith is like sharing a box of food. When you genuinely care about others you will give and share your life in ways that express your love for God and love for people. Then it's not as bad as it seems.
I am looking forward to the opportunities of helping others experience Ultimate Training Camp and the Impact Conference, so they to can turn the corner in pursuit of a meaningful relationship with God.
