Jan/05/10 08:42 PM Filed in:
Clinton PortisWe already know that running back Clinton Portis would like to be reunited with his former coach, Mike Shanahan, in Washington. In his weekly appearance on ESPN 980's "The John Thompson Show," Portis provided more details about what Redskins fans -- and Redskins players -- can expect if Shanahan becomes coach. At the very least, he says, things under Shanahan won't be like they were under Jim Zorn.
"I think [Shanahan] would be the perfect guy for the job," said Portis. "I think coach Shanahan is one of those guys who you either going to play for or you're going to be gone. It's not going to be any in-between, you're not going to, like the situations we have now, where people didn't know where they stood, or who's getting in trouble. I think coach Shanahan will [stop] that. You either going to do what you're supposed to be doing or you're not going to be here. It's that simple."
As an example, Portis mentioned how quarterback Brian Griese and defense end Trevor Pryce were both highly-paid Broncos who were shipped out when they didn't mesh with what Shanahan wanted.
Of course, Portis didn't mention that he also left Denver after two years and came to Washington to continue his career.
"I think with Coach Shanahan, he's a straight shooter, if you're doing the stuff you're supposed to be doing, you're fine with him," Portis said. "If you're not, no matter how much you're getting paid, he's going to get you up out of there."
Portis said that accountability would be a dominant theme of the Shanahan era. For players, he said, "you either get in line or you get gone." But at the same time, Portis thinks the leash won't necessarily be a short one.
"I think coach Shanahan give you an opportunity to be a man. He's not going to come in with many rules and many guidelines," Portis said.
"He's going to tell you what he expects out of you, and it's not going to be second-, third- or fourth chances. He's going to tell you what he expects, what he's looking for and you either going to give it or you're going to be done."
Also, Portis doesn't expect Shanahan to come here and limit himself to Xs and Os. In Denver, Shanahan was the personnel guy, and he's the one who helped broker the trade of Portis to Washington.
"If he do come, I think they going to give him full control to change this team and run this team the way he want to run it," Portis said.
"Along with Bruce [Allen, general manager] and Mr. [Daniel] Snyder, get this team going in the right direction."
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