Brandon Harris Dines In Style with Rams
Apr/18/11 08:09 AM Filed in:
Brandon HarrisIt's unusual, but not unheard of, for NFL teams to bring in their draftprospects all at once for visits like the St. Louis Rams do. They had defensive prospects in Tuesday and Wednesday, and offensive prospects in Wednesday and Thursday.
But when it comes to dinner, no one does it quite like the Rams.
Once again, Rams draft prospects dined in the suite of the late team owner, Georgia Frontiere, on the second floor of the Rams Park facility.
"Dinner went great," said Miami (Fla.) cornerback Brandon Harris. "I had a very enjoyable time with the (coaching) staff and I met a lot of great guys that came here also from other schools."
The meals were catered by Ruth's Chris Steak House.
"I'm a big steak eater," Harris said, laughing. "So they definitely set us right. They had the steak, spinach, and macaroni and cheese. It was real nice."
The food was good, and the setting was even better. The luxurious main room of Frontiere's suite features a fireplace and a long wooden bar.
"Yeah, that was very different," Harris said. "I actually heard a lot of people talking about it. They were like, ‘Man, who stays in here?' They had that long bar, and you're looking over the practice field. Oh man, it was nice."
