Feb/23/11 08:27 AM Filed in:
Ryan HillRecently HSN got a chance to catch up with former cane defensive back Ryan Hill. Ryan Hill was one of the few players that played for both Larry Coker and Randy Shannon. Hill dedicated himself to the Hurricanes as he switched positions throughout his career. Ryan played receiver, corner, and safety and never complained once. Right now Ryan is getting ready for the NFL draft. Here is what he had to say.
HSN: What have you been up to since you finished your senior season at Miami? How have you been getting ready for the draft?Ryan Hill: I’m here in Boca Raton getting ready for my Pro Day right now. I’m working on everything I can to get myself better and ready for the NFL. Everyday I’m lifting, running, and doing drills to improve my skills.
HSN: Were you upset that you weren’t invited to the NFL combine?Ryan Hill: To tell you the truth, yes. It hurts that I wasn’t given an opportunity to show my skills at the NFL combine, but I believe that everything happens for a reason. I use it as a form of motivation to prove to the world what kind of player I really am.
HSN: What do you think went wrong with the team this past season?Ryan Hill: It was a combination of a lot of things. I can’t really explain, players and coaches just weren’t seeing eye to eye anymore. There was definetly a conflict of interest on the team.
HSN: You made some comments after the bowl game that some of the players on the team needed to “stop acting like boys, and grow up and act their age.” What did you mean by this statement?
Ryan Hill: Let me put it this way. There were some guys on the team that weren’t acting their age. Some of the guys on the team needed to grow up and become men. I know guys that are 21-22 years old that have families and jobs and they support them by themselves. I’ll tell you a little story to explain to you what I mean. We were at the bowl game in El Paso and were losing 21 to 0. There were players on the sidelines throwing snowballs at each other. Thats what I’m talking about when I say that the team had maturity issues.
HSN: While all of this was going on with the snowballs were there any seniors that went over to those players who were goofing off to confront them?
Ryan Hill: At the time this was happening I was on the field playing defense. I heard later on about what happened on the sideline. The seniors and coaches can only do so much. There comes a point where everyone has to take responsibility for their own actions and it just wasn’t happening.
HSN: I know your from Tallahassee,but you chose the Hurricanes over the hometown Seminoles. Did you receive a lot of heat from back home when you chose Miami?
Ryan Hill: I get asked this question all the time because I’m from Tallahassee. It was very difficult. What it really came down to was that Miami was just in my heart. It was the right fit for me at the end.
HSN: If you had to make your decision all over again after all the turmoil that has gone down with the program would you have still chosen Miami?
Ryan Hill: I would choose Miami 1000 times over. What people don’t realize is that its not all about winning National Championships. Yeah its great to do that, and that was always my goal but it’s more than just getting a ring. When you win a National Championship you get a ring and a pat on the back and that’s all. Maybe I shouldn’t say this but I will. I’ve seen a lot of old players that went to Miami and who won championships come back to visit and they are broke with no money. These guys were good players, but they didn’t make it to the NFL and they are broke now. The University of Miami is about the overall experience. I became a man at the University of Miami. When I came there I was a hothead kid from Tallahassee that had been arrested 2 or 3 times. Coach Coker and Coach Shannon taught me how to become a man and be respectful towards others and remain humble. Many people don’t know I left there with a Masters Degree. Now if things don’t work out for me in football I still have a chance to be successful in life and take care of my family. That is the reason I would choose Miami again without a doubt.
HSN: What was your most memorable moment on the field for the Hurricanes?Ryan Hill: It would have to be my sophmore season against Oklahoma. I scored my first touchdown in that game.
HSN: Have you met the new coaching staff? What are your thoughts on Al Golden as the new head coach?Ryan Hill: I have not met the new coaching staff, but I am optimistic that they will do well. The main thing they have to do is change the culture of the program.
HSN: Can you tell the fans a player to watch out for next season that they may have never heard about?
Ryan Hill: Watch out for Kacy Rodgers.That kid is a hard worker and his father is a coach for the Miami Dolphins so he knows what it takes to become a player. Laron Byrd is another guy that has really worked hard over his career. This will be his senior season so hopefully all that hardwork will pay off. Travis Benjamin also has the potential to do some really big things. He got down on himself a lot last year, but thats just a part of college football he should be able to bounce back.
HSN: Did you get motivated watching your ex teammate Sam Shields become a Superbowl Champion for the Green Bay Packers after not even getting drafted out of Miami?
Ryan Hill: Sam is my bestfriend I’m actually going to see him tomorrow. Watching Sam do good just motivates me to get into the league and do the same. I know now that I can get drafted and make things happen in the NFL.
HSN: Do you plan on coming back and working out in Coral Gables again like many of the Canes alumni do?Ryan Hill: Right now I’m just so busy I don’t really have time to do anything except train and get ready for the draft. I don’t really know for sure if or when I will be able to come back and visit with the team etc.
HSN: Tell me a funny story about your time at the U?Ryan Hill: Well I’m from the country so I was known as the “wildlife guy” on the team. I like to fish and hunt and collect all kinds of animals and stuff so one time I was walking around campus and I caught a water moccasin. I ended up putting it in a bottle and taking it home. When I got home I skinned it, cleaned it and ended up cooking it for Jacory Harris, Stephen Wesley, and Dedrick Epps. I didn’t tell those guys what they were eating and they were like “this stuff tastes like chicken what is this?” When I told them they were eating a water moccasin everyone started cracking up.
HSN: Thanks for your time Ryan and good luck in the NFL.
