Lauryn Williams Tweeting
Mar/10/11 08:09 AM Filed in:
Lauryn WilliamsAfter much contemplation, I have decided to join the social networking tool I swore I would never use.
It is official I am a twitter or am I am tweeter?...oh whatever you know what I mean!
I have just been on 7 days and am still very overwhelmed by it all. You have people who say things just to invoke shock, those who literally tell you their every move and those who converse with just one person but instead of texting privately go back and forth in a forum the world can see. And, how in the world do they expect me to convey a complete thought in just 160 characters that is nearly impossible for any good communicator!
I am still not completely sold on it usefulness as it seems to be more of a deterrent from caring on with things in life that could be considered productive. However, I have enjoyed reading some NFL Players bantering with one another and the continuous updates about the looming lockout.
As I type I have 109 followers and have tweeted 15 times. After doing some research my competitive spirit got he best of me and I decided I needed to set a follower goal. I see President Obama has 6 million followers and Oprah is right behind with 5 million. Not wanting to set such a lofty goal I have settled on trying to surpass the infamous ‘Usain Bolt' in followers.
I figure since I can't compete with him on the track why not challenge his 81,000 followers. I do realize that he as an advantage as he probably
literally has a whole country following him however I think I can take him. If for some reason I fail at this my secondary goal would be to always have more followers than my mother (@blondimomma) who coincidentally joined Twitter the same day as me.
I have given myself 2 simple guidelines so as not to get sucked into the world of unproductiveness cause by becoming consumed with this apparatus.
• No more than 3 tweets a day.
• I will not follow more people than I have followers.
Coming up with a name was the hardest part as all the cool names I came up with had been taken. So I am simply @laurynCwilliams.
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