hmblaw asked whether if Frank Gore can continue to burn teams that play eight in the box. The 49ers can't depend on this happening every week, and while no one likes to use injuries as an excuse, the inexperience of Seahawk linebackers Aaron Curry, David Hawthorne and Will Herring contributed to Gore's success. On the second run, you could see how tentative they were.
Nevertheless in training camp, Gore consistently broke through during the team's run drills; it seemed like he did it over half the time. Also, Gore had plenty of long runs in 2006.
Gore, by the way, was walking around the locker room Monday without a limp and when asked how he felt while he was walking to a union meeting with the rest of his teammates, he simply lifted his thumb straight to the ceiling in an optimistic gesture. It will be interesting to see if he practices on Wednesday.
Here's a closer examination of Frank Gore's second touchdown run an 80-yarder on the first offensive play of the fourth quarter that essentially sealed the game.
1. JOSH MORGAN: Even though this was a totally different play, Morgan did the exact same thing as he did in the first run; again going with "21" personnel and "Blue Right" (west coast term) meaning the fullback was lined up staggered ahead of the running back to the strong right side, Morgan went in motion to the right and then turned back to the left. He settled like an H-back behind left guard David Baas. At the snap, Morgan took on rookie linebacker Aaron Curry and sealed him off. In fact, Morgan kept blocking long after Gore had sped past. You have to admire the nastiness, but Morgan also could have gotten called for a hold.
2. VERNON DAVIS: He comes out of his stance like it's a pass causing cornerback Kelly Jennings to back pedal. When the play goes to the other side, Jennings has no chance.
3.JOE STALEY: Gore mentioned Staley on this play, and Staley showed off his athleticism by firing out and obliterating linebacker David Hawthorne, which formed one side of the hole for Gore, while Morgan created the other side. Staley took five steps and then hit Hawthorne in space, a tremendous play for a tackle.
4. DAVID BAAS: With Seattle slanting their line to the right, Baas takes full advantage by getting on Colin Cole's left side and washing him out of the play.
5. ERIC HEITMANN: First, Heitmann starts off on Cole and then rubs off to take linebacker Will Herring out of the play. Heitmann gets quickly to the "second level" to block Herring.
7. CHILO RACHAL, ADAM SNYDER: They get on their men and block them well, but really, Gore sets up the run by breaking the run back all the way to the left side, giving defensive linemen Lawrence Jackson and Craig Terrill no shot.
8. FRANK GORE: He did as much with his pre-snap read on this play as did when he actually had the ball. Seattle had nine players in the box, but most were stationed on the 49ers' right side, where the play was supposed to go. On typical zone runs, Gore has three options, take it all the way to the front side, find a hole in the middle, or break it back to the outside and Gore chose the latter. It allowed Staley and Rachal to get their wash down blocks, but there was still a few unblocked Seahawks, including defensive end Patrick Kearney, who would later blame himself for this play. With the huge hole created by Morgan and Staley, Gore had enough room to juke Kearney, and that's exactly what he did. He then benefitted from safety Jordan Babineaux, who took a wrong angle and Gore easily got past him. Then it was just Gore's speed, and here's what he said about that: " The past three years, when I get in the open field I kind of looked back and put my hand out. I just told myself, 'They're going to catch me. They're going to catch me.' Now I just look straight ahead and go.
9. ISAAC BRUCE: Bruce hurls another down field block on cornerback Ken Lucas again, to give Gore the space to take it to the house.
