Chris Perez opposes HGH testing in majors
Jul/29/10 12:02 AM Filed in:
Chris PerezOn Thursday, Major League Baseball Commissioner Bud Selig implemented random blood testing for human growth hormone in the minor leagues. Those on 40-man rosters cannot be approached. The Major League Baseball Players Association historically has opposed blood testing.
When asked about Selig's move, Indians manager Manny Acta and several of his players declined comment. But reliever Chris Perez, who never is afraid to speak his mind, said he was not in favor of it.
"If they have a test that is 100 percent accurate and reliable and that makes sure players are fully recovered before the game, then I'm all for further cleaning up the game," he said. "In this case, though, it looks like they're kind of using the minor-leaguers as guinea pigs. It's unfortunate those players don't have a union to represent them like we do.
"Drawing blood is a whole lot different than getting a urine sample. . . . What about players who are anemic? What are the guidelines? Our season is long, and it's hard enough to recover as it is."
Perez said union representatives told players in spring training that HGH testing, at least at the moment, is "unreliable." A major concern of the MLBPA, regardless, was the possibility that its players would have blood drawn on game days because HGH does not stay in the system very long.
"From the outside looking in, it's easy to say, 'Test everybody for everything.' " Perez said. "But if you're a player, and they make a mistake with your test, your career can be ruined."
