1. If you could trade places for one day with anyone in baseball, who would it be?
Aubrey Huff: For one day. If I was single or married?
Touching Base: It’s your choice! You get to call the rules on this.
AH: If I was single it would be Derek Jeter, if I was married, I would be Albert Pujols.
2. What is your favorite piece of baseball equipment?
AH: My bat.
TB: What kind of bat do you use?
AH: Carolina Club, 243.
TB: How did you come to that one?
AH: I used it, got a couple of hits with it, homered. I’d been skipping around bats when I was a young player - bat to bat to bat. I had a good game with that one, good week with it, and I’ve swung it ever since. Never stopped.
3. Have you ever played as yourself in a video game?
AH: Oh, hell yeah. Who hasn’t?
TB: Some guys don’t.
AH: I haven’t played a video game in forever, but when they started coming out, the last time I played was when I was with Baltimore. I was the Orioles, and I remember putting it on easy mode just so I could hit jacks. Kind of simulated a season one year to see how I’d done, and it had me at like .390 with 59 homers and 160 RBI, and I was like, “OK, that’d be awesome.”
4. Who’s an athlete in another sport you’d like to see try his hand at baseball?
AH: For some reason, I could see Drew Brees being a good pitcher. I’d like to see him off a mound, I bet he’d have a good arm.
TB: The scouts would probably get on him about being too small. That’s what they said about him in football.
AH: Oh, really? Well, look at Lincecum. He’s small too.
TB: Not the disadvantage they might have you think.
AH: No, it’s stupid.
5. What’s your favorite baseball movie?
AH: Probably Major League. Just because it’s funny.
6. Do you have any expert travel advice?
AH: Mail your bags, so you don’t have to bring your bag on the plane.
7. Who was your favorite athlete growing up?
AH: Nolan Ryan.
TB: And you wound up a hitter.
AH: I know! How about that? Had to do something. That’s the way it happened.
8. What is one thing that you have not done in your career that you’d like to accomplish before it’s over, other than win a World Series?
AH: Well, yeah, that’s a pretty obvious one. Batting title would be cool.
9. Complete this sentence: I am the only player in Major League Baseball…
AH: …with Transformers tattoos? I guess.
TB: Which Transformers?
AH: I just got the insignia on my back. Good guy-bad guy.
TB: Autobots, Decepticons. The old school?
AH: Yeah, the old school.
TB: I couldn’t bring myself to see the movie. I felt like it would ruin the cartoon.
AH: No, it didn’t. It didn’t. It actually enhanced the experience.
TB: How about the sequel?
AH: Wasn’t as good as the first one, but still worth watching if you’re a fan.
