Eric Winston Blogs About Preparing For Camp
Jul/21/09 10:01 PM Filed in:
Eric WinstonTwo weeks from right now we will have completed our second day of practice. It has been a brutally hot summer, so hopefully we will get a bunch of rain in August to cool things down.
Getting ready for camp started already, though. Constant amount of water is being consumed as we speak! Getting ready for camp also entails getting your mind right as well, because training camp is a grind mentally as well as physically. To accomplish that, I will be getting everything in my life in order so I will be able to concentrate completely on football. That means getting all the bills paid early so you are not freaking out in the middle of a team drill because your DirectTV will be turned off when you get home. Make sure to stock plenty of water, Gatorade, snacks, and any item that I will need over the course of the three-week span.
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