Marty Mac's World: Salmons spawns talk of domination

It'll be tough to find someone who is happier to have the Kings and pro basketball back than I.

It's an addiction I admit, and I'm not going to rehab.

Word on the street is John Salmons, despite a slight groin issue, terrorized his teammates during the first week of camp. Players and coaches seemed to agree that the small forward is ready to be a starter for the first time in his career.

Salmons played exceptionally well as a starter last season and stunk up the joint coming off the bench. There were no apparent reasons for the difference other than the mind is powerful.

It will be interesting to see if anyone can stop Salmons from going right. This is not a secret from North Korea. The man consistently goes that direction, and surely every scouting report indicates such.

Yet many players have made a nice career out of going one way. The one who stands out is Johnny Moore, a quick and fast point guard, who played at Texas and then nearly all of his pro career with the San Antonio Spurs.

Moore was going right even when he momentarily went to the left. He often dribbled up the court's left side just to give himself more room to go right. In fact, only contracting desert fever in 1985 ultimately kept Moore from going right. However, the man four times averaged 9.6 assists or more.

It'll be interesting to see if defenses go at Salmons any differently as a starter.
