Vilma Talks About Concussions
Dec/02/09 10:46 PM Filed in:
Jonathan VilmaCount Jonathan Vilma as one NFL Player who supports the cautious approach when dealing with concussions. He wrote about the topic on his PlayMaker Mobile blog this morning. He is especially happy that his buddy Clinton Portis is visiting a specialist this week.
Concussions and the NFL
by jonathanvilma 1. December 2009 18:39
I have always said anything from the shoulders up you need to be extra careful. Concussions, stingers anything that causes headaches or nerve damage you need to take as much time off as you need to clear it up. My boy Clinton Portis is going to see a specialist in Pittsburgh before he plays again, he should. I know he wants to play, he's as tough as they come, but take all the time necessary. You don't mess around with that. I do believe you fight through injuries, it's like the old saying 'you're hurt each week but not injured,' but when we're talking about your head and your neck no way. You sit out. I wouldn't play with it and I wouldn't want a teammate to play with it. Knees, ankles, shoulders no problem. You can recover from an ACL injury, but head injuries and nerve damage that's life threatening stuff.
We thank proCane fan Kirk for bringing our attention to Jon Vilma’s entry on his PlayMaker Mobile page.
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