Aubrey Huff was not with the team tonight: “family emergency”
Apr/24/12 08:09 AM Filed in:
Aubrey HuffBrandon Belt and Brett Pill started the two games of tonight’s doubleheader at first base. Manager Bruce Bochy said Aubrey Huff was not with the team because of personal reasons. Bochy said Huff texted him this morning saying he leave.
“Something very, very important came up with his family, an emergency, and he had to go home,” Bochy said.
I know the timing of this seems odd. Huff is badly slumping and coming off the embarrassment of his play at second base in Saturday’s loss, but there is no evidence now to suggest this is anything but a family emergency.
Bochy said Huff is expected back in Cincinnati, by tomorrow, the manager hopes.
