Here's whirlwind reaction from notable former Hurricanes football players in the wake of Yahoo! Sports' report detailing University of Miami booster Nevin Shapiro allegedly providing illegal benefits to the program:
Texans WR Andre Johnson (via Houston Chronicle)“It is what it is, man. I really don’t have much to say about it. The guy’s in trouble, and he’s trying to take everybody down with him. I’m really not worried about it. ...
“You kind of get upset about it, but at the same time, you can’t control what anybody says. He knows and I know what really happened. It’s over. It’s done with. The NCAA is handling it, and we’ll just move on.”
More Miami coverage: What scandal means | DeCourcy: Leadership failure | Gallery: NFL players among those named | Recruits react | List of those implicated
Saints LB Jonathan Vilma (via New Orleans Times-Picayune)"I'm not really worried about that right now. You have a guy that's in jail. Whatever his motive is right now, I don't know. Honestly I don't care. You know, I'm gonna move forward and keep working with the Saints."
Retired NFL DT Warren Sapp (not named in the Yahoo! report)"He's A Nobody Who Stole $$$ And Threw it At Young Kids & a Athletic Program!! -- @QBKILLA (Sapp) on Twitter
Panthers TE Jeremy Shockey (@JeremyShockey on Twitter)"Wow what a shame another loser (Nevin Shapiro) trying to make money after a $930 million Ponzi scheme. I just dont get it. GOD rest his soul"
"People will do anything to sell a book and make$$$ Its a proven fact this guy is a #CRIMINAL"
Bears WR/KR Devin Hester (Sporting News)"I know of him. At the time I was going into the draft, he was like a runner for an agent. I had declared into the draft. He was one of the runners for one agent. It was after I declared for the draft. I don't have any more to say now. That's all I know about him." (Monday)
"If this is about the Miami thing, I ain't got nothing." (Tuesday)
"I'm here to talk about football, Chicago Bear football. Other than that, I have no comments." (Wednesday)
Patriots DT Vince Wilfork (via Yahoo! Sports)“I’m not interested, buddy.”
Redskins WR Leonard Hankerson (via Washington Examiner)“Nothing about nothing. I don’t know nothing.”
Asked if he's ever seen Shapiro hanging around UM, and how he feels about allegations:
“Never. I don’t know him. I never met the guy at all. ... Man, I’m always going to feel the same. I don’t regret being there or nothing. I mean, stuff happens, and I guess stuff happened there, so can’t do anything about it now.”
Redskins LB Rocky McIntosh (via Washington Examiner)"I'm focused on Indy right now. We got a game in two days and I'm in the NFL. You got to be a professional and worry about what we got right now."
Texans OT Eric Winston (via Houston Chronicle)“It’s unfortunate. We have to deal with it and move on. Sure, you’re surprised when something like this comes out. It’s unfortunate that a guy like that got as close as he did with the program, but a lot of colleges are dealing with the same kind of thing. I heard the name, but I didn’t know him and I couldn’t pick him out of a lineup.
“Sure, anytime you have a guy who, obviously, has the character he has and gets that close to the program it’s worrisome. We have to deal with it as a program, as a family and keep pushing forward.”
Texans C Chris Myers (via Houston Chronicle)“To be honest with you, it was a surprise to me. I was there five years. I knew the guy was around, but I didn’t know all that stuff was going on. Every story I read is new stuff to me. It’s a shame, but it’s a one-sided story right now. I’m anxious to see how it all pans out. He’s in prison. He can say anything he wants to say. It’s a real shame, dragging down a program right now. There’s always two sides to every story.”
