Lauryn Williams is off and running...literally
Feb/06/12 08:17 AM Filed in:
Lauryn WilliamsWe'll I'm off and running ...literally.
Lauryn Williams got to compete in the same meet as her sister Erikka, who is nine years younger and a freshman at South Alabama, recently.
Last week the 2012 season began for me in Birmingham, AL. The new Crossplex there is state of the art and I was excited to open up in such a nice facility. With a fast track and feeling fit it I was set to start off with a bang.
Some technical errors, more than likely because I was just so excited, caused me to have two less-than-stellar starts. In the 60m you don't have a whole lot of room for error and the mistakes cost me dearly but I felt FAST and am optimistic this week will go better.
It was neat to be in the same competition venue with my youngest sister for the first time. Erikka is the youngest of 8 and a freshman in college at University of South Alabama.
With us being 9 years apart and eligible to compete in the same arena I feel old!! Yet, the other day a guy in high school hit on me so I must still look young, LOL!!
Maturity and experience haven't cured me of new season jitters but hopefully I got rid of all them last week and can put together a good race for my first professional meet tomorrow.
I am in Boston for New Balance Indoor Grand Prix. I race Saturday but it will be televised 2/5/12 2:00 PM on ESPN2. Tune in for what I hope to be the 1st victory of many on the road to London!
